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The Town of Carlyle aims to provide a high quality, safe physical environment with a wide range of social and economic opportunities for its residents.
The general objectives of the Town of Carlyle are to:
  • Foster the town’s position as south east Saskatchewan’s regional trading center;
  • Foster a cooperative relationship with surrounding rural municipalities and first nations to promote economic prosperity and recreational opportunities;
  • Provide a variety of housing densities and types to meet all the needs of all age and income groups;Civic Centre

  • Provide for the development and sustainability of recreational, cultural and educational facilities;
  • Enhance the physical appearance and economic vitality of the downtown area;
  • Promote town beautification and character through landscaping, streetscaping, and architectural design;
  • Continue to provide open space for parks, greenways, as well as active and passive recreation;
  • Promote a pedestrian friendly environment by encouraging compact development, sidewalks, greenways, and walkways;
  • Ensure an adequate supply of land for future development and expansion;
  • Promote redevelopment strategies such as infill development, rehabilitation and restoration;
  • Protect environmentally sensitive areas, critical habitats, and productive farmland;
  • Provide adequate community infrastructure to accommodate target populations;
  • Ensure efficient and responsible growth management of land, infrastructure, and other resources;
  • Ensure public participation by area residents, property owners, and other interested groups in the preparation of any planning documents.
Please see our  Town Newsletters  on the Newsletters page.

Want to learn more about our Town or are considering development in Carlyle, please refer to

To see a map of our town click on this link:  Town of Carlyle Map

Results of the Community Survey conducted by the community planners:
In 2009, the three most important features that you like and value about Carlyle:
  1. Friendly and helpful people
  2. Volunteerism
  3. Community spirit
  4. Other answers included the variety of businesses and services available in town, the local events, and the great recreation facilities.
In 2013, the  most important features that you like and value about Carlyle are:
  1. The Water
  2. Recycling
  3. Recreation facilities

  4. Shoppingaerial photo 2013
In 2013, the most challenging things facing Carlyle are:
  1. Keeping up with growth
  2. Doctors/health care
  3. Daycare
In 2013, the most important changes that need to be made are:
  1. Traffic management
  2. Housing/affordable housing
  3. Health care
Thank you for sharing your thoughts and ideas with us!

You can now pay your utility bills, taxes, and accounts receivable from here using credit card:
Town of Carlyle, SK eCommerce